Reflection Time - Where has the time gone?

 Greetings friends,

I feel like it has been so long since I've sat down and written to you about all the things I've been through in the last 6 years of my life. I am so excited to recount all the ups and downs of the craziet rollercoaster I can call my life!

What's Happened?

  • 2016
    • Travelling on a cruise to the islands with my best friend, family and my partner. Whilst on this trip I got engaged.
    • I had a son who I am so grateful for.
    • My fiance started a new job with a better company
    • We were able to spend Christmas away from home 
  • 2017
    • Our son turned one!
    • I got married to my husband and it was the most incredible experience to date.
    • Stopped studying for the time being for some very important commitments that arose.
    • We spent Christmas at home with my whole family.
  • 2018
    • Our son started daycare, swimming lessons and turned two this year.
    • We went on our first holiday interstate with some pretty cool people and seen a comedy show.
  • 2019
    • Our son is still in daycare, swimming lessons and turned three this year.
    • We went on our second holiday not interstate but got to spend time with some pretty important people of ours.
    • We enrolled him into Kindy!
    • My husband started a new job with a better company.
  • 2020
    • First year together living through a global pandemic.
    • Our son started kindy, quit swimming lessons and turned four this year.
    • In and out of isolation, family members were in and out of work for most of the year.
    • We went on lots of adventures when we could!
    • Spent Christmas at home with my grandmother not knowing this will be the last one we have with her.
  • 2021
    • Our son turned five this year.
    • We had some incredible birthday celebrations.
    • Saw my grandmother take her last breath with us here on earth.
    • An incredible hard Christmas and New Year this year.
  • 2022
    • Our son turned six this year.
    • This year was more like a catch up for everything we missed the last two years due to the pandemic.
    • Our niece was born.
    • Turned 30.
    • Had a much more enjoyable Christmas and New Years as a family.

What's Ahead?

  • 2023
    • Start a new job
    • Save, save, save!
    • Travel more.
    • Time with family and friends!
2023 is going to my year!


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