Welcome Back Me!

Hi there,

For anyone who reads this which I'm assuming is not many people, I'd like to say Hello again. I've been away from my blog is such a long time and I'm finally going to start getting back into this. I love writing and it's even better when there are people who may come across this can relate :).

To get back into the swing of things, I thought as a new post I would like to get everyone back up to speed with everything that has been happening! (Forgive me if I have repeated myself already)

What has happened since the last time I posted!

  • I've been studying and received a Diploma of Information Technology
  • Decided to get back with my ex-boyfriend Peter (lol)
  • I've moved out of my house to my parents house
  • I finally got a semi-new car (not the one I posted though :/)
  • Actually happy with my life at the moment
What's in store for the near future
  • I'M TURNING 21 :D
For now, I'll probably just be writing about random this to get back into it, but I plan on continue writing the stories that I used too! Thanks guys

-M     xo


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