Pro's & Con's of Relationships

In any relationship, it's important not to have high expectations. By all means, set your standards high, just don't expect anyone to uphold those certain qualities and standards your holding out for.

  • Affection - Personal emotional/physical connection is bliss, knowing that someone is their to hold and comfort you when you need it.
  • Companion - Someone to call you their's and label yourself as each others significant other.
  • Personal Chauffer - When your parnter has their license and a car, it's super fun to go driving somewhere just the two of you.
  • Distraction - When you need someone to take your mind of things and your girlfriends dealing with their own problems, it's nice to have the opposite sexes point of veiw.
  • Good Looking Friends - The advantage of having your boyfriends/girlfriends friends over for eye candy can be very rewarding

  • Personal Space Invader - Excluding long distance relationships; You've basically got a second shadow that thinks for itself. Always wanting to know everything and hard to shake off.
  • The Partners Personal ATM - From experience, I've always been the only employed half of the relationship. Catering to a mans needs is pretty demanding, and I thought a woman's needs we're complex.
  • The Insane In-Laws - In-Laws that ran your other half's life like they were still 12 years old. Then there's one that treat you like shit when your girlfriend/boyfriend aren't around and treat you like an angel when they are around. Two faced *****!
  • Family Opinion - My family isn't so bad, but you know when your family hate your partner when you hear then talk crap about them. The worst part is, is that I was the main contributor. Hearing what they have to say and venting about your relatioship isn't good but it helps loosen any self doubt.
This isn't the end, I just had to get this out of my brain and onto paper (pixel). I could go on forever but these are some points I have experienced first hand through-out my teenage years. Who know's, I might write a part two!

*Disclaimer: This post is about my experiences and what I've learnt during my past relationships.


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